Te Kura Summer School

Teenaa koutou katoa With NCEA exams underway this week, I would like to remind schools about a key Te Kura programme that can help support your aakonga (students) as they navigate the pressures around end-of-year results. Te Kura Summer School is a good backup option for aakonga who need some extra help to get them…

Brydie Buxton Gold Award!

My Duke of Edinburgh journey started back in 2019 with my teachers encouraging me to join the scheme. To pass the Bronze award I needed to complete physical challenges, a service activity, learn a new skill and complete an outdoor adventure. The Silver Award was made more challenging by COVID-19 and all the restrictions that…

Level 1 Health Pilot Class

Level 1 Health Pilot class. The students are looking at strategies to enhance hauora and we have chosen a Food and Nutrition approach. The students had to identify a need and then apply strategies to enhance the hauora of those involved. As part of the assessment the students needed to understand manaakitanga and how this…