Important Notice

Kia ora koutou, Our Te Kauwhata College whaanau acknowledges the passing of Kiingi Tuuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII. Our kura will be closed for instruction on Thursday 5 September to acknowledge and pay our respects to the kaupapa. School will reopen for instruction on Friday 6 September. Ngaa mihi nui, Sangita Achary Acting Principal

Pink Ribbon Breakfast and Pink Shirt Day

On Thursday 23 May, staff at Te Kauwhata College held a Pink Ribbon Breakfast to raise funds for Breast Cancer Foundation NZ. Staff gathered together before the school day began and shared a beautiful breakfast while raising $532.00 for this worthwhile cause. Funds raised will go towards the amazing work that the Breast Cancer Foundation…

Teacher Only Day Reminder

Kia ora Parents/Caregivers A reminder to all whaanau that this Friday, 31 May, our school is closed for instruction. This day is for teachers to participate in an NCEA Accord Day. A reminder also, that next Monday 3 June, is King’s Birthday holiday. School will open on Tuesday 4 June as normal.   Ngaa mihi…


Kia ora Parents/Caregivers A reminder to all whaanau that this Wednesday 15 May, school is closed for instruction. This is in order for teachers to attend a Paid Union Meeting in the afternoon, and in the earlier part of the day teachers will be undertaking professional learning. Students who are entered for co-requisites, may use…