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When it comes to your career there are lots of possibilities. Explore what’s out there and find the best career for you.
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Careers Department
During the year we organise a number of visits, courses and support to assist students to make decisions about their future learning and career options. We are also able to help with applications for scholarships, accommodation and student loans. Students are encouraged to attend open days, expos and careers events throughout the year.
The Careers room has a comprehensive range of university course booklets, polytechnic prospectuses and directories containing information about all courses available in New Zealand. We also have a number of laptops that students can use for online research or job search.
The Careers Department is overseen by Mrs Jo Kelly and the Admin Assistant/Gateway Coordinator is Natalie Langman.
Students best suited to participate in Gateway will be those who are:
- interested in a career in a particular industry
- work ready i.e. they display a high level of maturity, standard of behaviour, attitude and work ethic.
- able to undertake individual learning programmes related to their work placement
- able to undertake self-managed learning in the workplace
- committed to a voluntary work placement
Gateway is a huge commitment. Not only are students required to achieve 20 credits in their Gateway class and have to complete a work placement, but they also have to catch up on missed work from other subjects. Most work placements are completed in Terms 2 and 3.
STAR funding is also used to provide courses to students whose interests lie outside the curriculum. Some of the courses provided in recent years have included first aid, chainsaw safety, security, shearing, film & television, hairdressing, health & safety, police preparation and sports. In addition to these courses, we have used STAR funds to send students on Taster Courses which give students an idea of what studying at a particular tertiary institution would be like. This is invaluable for helping students to decide on a career pathway.
Trades Academy
Students must be able to attend their course one day a week and be committed for the whole school year. They must be able to either travel to Wintec (Hamilton or Kopu campuses) or meet with the Primary ITO tutor in the morning on their Trades Academy day to be taken out to farms for their course.
- fees-free tertiary education
- a head start on a trades career while achieving NCEA
- help in deciding what students want to do after school
- unit standard credits from the trades qualification count towards NCEA
- more likely to achieve NCEA at higher levels when studying a qualification of interest
- trade study inspires an understanding and appreciation of core subjects such as English, Math and Science
- programmes offered are coordinated to make best use of both secondary and tertiary expertise and resources
- secondary school support, friendships, networks and activities are maintained. You can keep doing the sport or after school activities you love, and attend the school ball!
- full access to Wintec’s support services including student mentors, counselling, Student Learning Services, and Te Kete Kōnae
- individual learning plans for each student cover attendance, workplace skills and life skills, e.g. problem solving, self-management, team building, time management, personal presentation and self esteem
- make friends with students from other secondary schools with similar interests