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Bilingual learning at Te Kauwhata College
We opened our beautiful Reorua class in February this year. We welcomed Whaea Kuia Nepe (Ngaati Mahuta) to our staff as our Kaiako Maaori.
This class is currently for years 7 and 8.
The partnership between Too Taatou Haerenga and Mana Whenua is essential to assist in growing Te Reo Maaori me oona tikanga.
We unveiled our class’s name which was gifted from the Kaahui Ariki and Kiingi Tuuheitia. It derives from one of the famous tongikura (proverbs) of Kiingi Taawhiao, the second Maaori King.
Our class’s name is “Maaku ano e hanga tooku nei whare”. Our local Primary school opened their new classes which were aptly named Maahoe (Year 1-2), Patatee (Year 3-4) and Hiinau (Year 5-6). Collaborating with our local Primary school ensures our tamariki mokopuna are supported.
The full tongikura from Kiingi Taawhiao is;
“Maaku ano e hanga tooku nei whare. Ko ngaa pou oo roto he Maahoe, he Patatee. Ko te Taahuhu, he Hiinau. Me whakatipu ki te hua o te Rengarenga me whakapakari ki te hua o te Kawariki.” “I shall fashion my own house. The support posts shall be of Maahoe and Patatee. The ridgepole of Hiinau. The inhabitants shall be raised on Rengarenga and nurtured on Kawariki.”

Kia whakakii te kete maatauranga koia raa te putaketanga o teenei kaupapa moo taatou tamariki, he poipoi, he raupii, te kaakano kia puawaitia.
The importance of education and knowledge, that we nurture and support our children to flourish to become leaders of tomorrow.
Frequently asked questions
How do you get a place in the Bilingual unit?
Every interested whaanau must fill out an ‘expression of interest” form. We are currently full but have a waitlist. Please find attached the link to complete and email se*********@tk****.nz if you have any paatai.