Huntly Bus Service

Kia ora tatou Unfortunately, it has not been a good start to the year for our Huntly Bus students. As you all know,  you pay for your children to come to this college on the Huntly Buses provided by Taverners.  Huntly is not within our local zone so all students coming here must make their…

Start of Year Dates

Start of Year: Thursday 26 January – New Enrolments and Course confirmation – Year 11-13 Friday 27 January – New Enrolments and Course Confirmation – Year 11-13 Monday 30 January – Auckland Anniversary Day Tuesday 31 January – Teacher Only Day Wednesday 1 February – Year 7, 11, 12 and 13 students only. Thursday 2 February – Whole school starts.…

End of Year Reminders

Dear Parents/Caregivers A reminder of dates and important information as we come into our final weeks of the school year. For Students Years 7-10 Tuesday 29th November: Paid Union Meeting. Lessons finishing at 12:10 p.m. Friday 2nd December: ACCORD Teacher only day Friday 9th December: ACCORD Teacher only day. For all students: Library books are…

Notice of Paid Union Meeting

Dear Parents/Caregivers I have received notification that the Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA) has called a paid union meeting (PUM). This will be held in Hamilton from 1.00pm – 3.00pm Tuesday 29 November 2022. Paid union meetings are part of the collective contract and the Board is required to provide time for staff to attend.…