The Te Kauwhata College School Board is responsible for the governance of the school. The Board delegates responsibility of the day-to-day management and control of the school to the Principal.

The Principal, the Senior Leadership Team, admin staff, teaching and support staff all contribute to the learning and development of our students.

Presiding Member:  Emma Adams
Staff Representative:  Chris Plant
Student Representative: Stephanie Butler
Mana whenua Representative: Phyllis Bhana
Parent Representatives:

Hine Kaiwai
Liam McBride
Sarah Gardiner
Shalimar Newport

Principal: Deborah Hohneck
Board Secretary: Terri Taylor

  • Details of the board meeting dates and time can be obtained by making contact with
    the school office. The notice board at the school gate displays the current meeting
  • To view meeting minutes of the Board please contact the school office.


Emma Adams

Presiding Member
Te Kauwhata College School Board

Te Kauwhata College School Board

Annual Report 2023
Strategic Plan 2024
Annual Improvement Plan
ERO Report 2023
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A copy of our current published policies can be found here.

The full range of our policies are available at the college.