End of Term 2 Notice

Kia ora koutou It has been a very busy last few weeks here at school.   We have made it to the end of the term and I know students and their teachers, (probably their parents too) are exhausted after the first full ten-week term for a while. We are now over halfway through the academic…

Gateway – Can you help?

Kia Ora, We are currently looking for work experience for our Gateway students at Te Kauwhata College. Gateway gives students fantastic opportunities to start on a career that they are passionate about and get started in the workforce. These placements are unpaid and aim to give our students experience in the industry. These placements last…

June 14th Update

Kia ora This is just a quick update to let you all know that we can remain fully open this week. Staff wellness has improved, and we encourage all students to return to face-to-face learning, unless unwell. As stated earlier, wearing masks is still strongly encouraged for maintaining everyone’s health at this time. On another…

Friday 10th June Update

Kia ora everyone. I hope that the online learning has gone well these past 2 days. Looking ahead to Monday, with the return of several teachers from illness and other leave, we plan to open for all who are well. We will need to re-evaluate the situation each day, and if more people become unwell…

University Visit

Some of our senior Maaori aakonga visited Waikato University and were taken on a private tour with Taha, Senior Maaori Liaison Adviser. Our students were able to look at the Faculty of Law, Education, Nursing, Sports, Science and Te Reo Maaori. They even participated in the University Kapa haka group practice, which was awesome. Some…

30 May Update

Kia ora Following on from last Friday’s email regarding possible rostering of students home, we are wanting to inform you that we are continuing to monitor the current staffing situation and at present, we do not need to roster any students home. We will update you again on Wednesday afternoon. The school is open and…