On Saturday 11 March, a group of staff and a sprinkling of students participated in the annual ‘Relay for Life’ held at Claudelands in Hamilton. This annual event is a fundraising event for the Cancer Society. We are all connected to someone who has been affected by cancer and this is a fun way to show support and fundraise. Our small team managed to raise $1600 for the cause and we had an amazing day walking the track. The event runs for 12 hours with at least ONE team member required to be on the track at all times. We are looking forward to next year, which we are planning to be even bigger and better.
Our team members were: Staff – Sangita Archary, Cathy Riddell, Amy Nash, Hayley Sherrard, Kirsty Vodanovich, and honorary member Duane Hampton. Students – Riley Yates, Sophie Riddell, and Isobel Smart.

Crew who walked