This notice is to inform the school community that we have had a couple of students arrive at school today displaying the symptoms of chickenpox. Chickenpox is a highly infectious disease and can be spread very easily from student to student. The students who were identified with chickenpox symptoms today, were sent home immediately.
Even if you had chickenpox as a child it is possible to be re-infected, and in older adults the virus can develop into shingles. Hence why we need to be vigilant with any students who present with the early symptoms of chickenpox which may include a mild fever, loss of appetite, headache and feeling tired, followed by the appearance of a red rash that becomes itchy and blisters, mostly on the trunk and face with some on the arms and legs. If any of these symptoms appear on your child please keep them at home and either ring your doctor or Healthline for further guidance. Please inform the school also so that we can monitor the situation.
Ngaa mihi nui
Angela Wallace
Deputy Principal