Kia ora koutou aakonga and parents,
Last year all NCEA (Senior) students at Te Kauwhata College were automatically eligible for “unexpected event grades” for external examinations due to the effects of COVID. This is not the case this year, however, as always, students can still apply for derived grades in the case of illness, injury, trauma or a serious event.
Eligibility criteria and any other info required can be found on the NZQA derived grade page, including the application form.
You can ask the principal nominee, Kirsten Jessup, if you want advise/guidance around eligibility and the process.
The application form and relevant evidence will need to be given to the schools Principals Nominee before 6 December (earlier where possible in case follow up info is needed).
For the purpose of NCEA examinations, where a student has cold / flu symptoms and there are concerns about them attending the exam they should take a COVID-19 test.
If they test negative, they should attend their examination. Showing a negative test result at the examination indicates the COVID risk has been actively managed.
If test is positive that will provide the evidence for a derived grade.
Note: If a household members test positive, you can still attend your exams as household contacts are no longer required to isolate.
Thank you
Kirsten Jessup (ki************@tk****.nz)
Principals Nominee